Tuesday, May 26, 2009

super time wasters

I am friggin' pissed.

Today, I had a morning assignment at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) Selangor branch in Shah Alam OK. And then, this certain MP was supposed to come and hold a Press conference so I arrived at the location on the dot, it being only five minutes away from home.

Only to wait for twenty minutes for the dude to show up, to sit in for a so-called Press conference that was barely ten minutes long. And this was held in front of the lifts outside of the MACC office because they wouldn't let reporters in to disrupt office operations, obviously.

And then I went back to the office only to realise that we had reported about this particular case before, involving an owner of a cybercafe whose computers were confiscated for operating without a licence.

So my story is all background with only a teensy bit of new development.

I mean, WHAT THE FUCK is that???

I don't need to mention this MP's name. Believe you me, he is not the only one to hold Press conferences for the most inane issues or to just give a hint of an update. YO! HAS NOBODY HEARD OF E-MAILING????

Tolonglah. To hold a Press conference just to say, "Today, we are lodging a report with MACC", does not constitute as NEWS. ITU ADALAH UPDATE BANGANG.


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