Wednesday, October 8, 2008

a milestone achieved

So many things have happened I can't begin to describe them all. I try my best not to be so full of myself though, because something really happened today and I'm still reeling with a most pleasant buzz in my brain that finally, there are people out there who see me for the potential I have and recognise my talents. Most importantly though, is that there are people who want to give me a chance - a chance at something big, that will no doubt have more than a few people going green with envy.

But pride must surely come before a fall, and I have a master plan to stick to so alas, that priceless moment when I can finally gloat like nobody's business has to be put back on the shelf. It's a pity. For once, I wish I could shove this under the noses of the people who have made my life an everyday depression disaster and tell them, look, you can kick me all you want but I won't ever go down the way you want me to.

After the many years of mediocrity, this is truly a milestone achieved.

Keep it up, me. All it takes is a bit more confidence, a bit more positive thinking.

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