Saturday, January 10, 2009

dance, drink and diva-ish moments

It prolly is easier to sum it up with a picture, the words are not exactly coming out right each time I attempt to type up something.

Some things worth mentioning: I flirted with a guy (not excessively, of course), got sloshed and nearly passed out (threw up this morning), looked hot (on attempt), had mega fun and loved (nearly) every moment of it. The only bummer side to the party was the unauthorised invitation that was extended to a particular someone who pissed my friend off because he bullied his way into being the one to drive me back home and thus, maybe ruining my chances with the guy I flirted with - if there was any possibility of a chance to begin with.

And then I woke up, and enjoyed three wonderful hours of karaoke-ing at Redbox.

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