Saturday, December 13, 2008

it must be...

It must be something that I did.
I must have done something wrong.
It must be so... musn't it?
Else you wouldn't be glancing away,
Pretending I wasn't there.
But I am here.
I am here in front of you.
So I wait. And I wait. And I wait.
You are not noticing me.
You don't want to notice me.
So I get up and walk to you.
You walk away, hurry, hurry.
What did I do wrong?
Was it the things that I said?
Was it the shirt that I wore?
Was it the way that I laughed?
Was it just me... for existing?
That's right.
I shouldn't exist.
The world doesn't need me.
Neither do you.
Neither do I.
If it means a world of loneliness,
I don't want to exist too.

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