Friday, November 14, 2008

you're just disillusioned

Shut the fuck up. No, really, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

You want to know the truth? You. Are. Disillusioned.

You wanna talk about injustice? Stuff that crap. You lot, who have nothing better to do than to bitch about people the damn long day, have no right to talk about injustice.

Kau ingat kau tu bagus sangat ke?

Then bila time nak complain, dialah No. 1. Bising macam anjing kena sepak. Come up with more creative excuseslah. What the fuck. Say that you're too retarded to handle responsibility. Or that your STD gets in the way of productivity. Validlah kot. You probably have an STD or two anyway.

Hello. You should realise that the problem lies with how you manage your time and how you prioritise matters.

Mengaku jelah. That's why you'd rather sacrifice time that could be spent doing more important things at home, like sorting the clothes in your closet according to colour, to bumming around at the office just to bitch and bitch and blacken your heart even beyond the blackness that it all ready is.

Fuck you man. FUCK YOU.

Babi. Fikirlah sikit. Who gives praise to pigs anyway?

NOTE: If it doesn't make sense, that's because the missing text has been placed between comment tags.

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