Friday, April 3, 2009

somebody told me

Here I draw the line.

I've waited long enough and I'm not getting what I want.

I don't like being kept to wait. I'm going to stop waiting now.

Besides. There are the other things.. the small things that make me wonder if I can every step over them and pretend that they don't worry me. Irk me, sometimes.

My friend says I'm making up excuses or reasons, if you will, to get out of this.

Maybe. But your non-committal attitude contributed to it, too.

I never liked plans that never sounded like much of a plan. If I'm going to stick around for something uncertain that has as much chance of living like a goldfish in a muddy puddle, I might as well just kill that goldfish and concentrate on other things in my life.

Anyway you have too many things going on for you. Like your friends. Your.. drinking. And whatever.

I'm just a side dish that will never make it past the appetiser course.

So. Goodbye.

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