Tuesday, September 2, 2008

am i fabulous?

Of course I am! And there can be no one more fabulous than me - because I say so.

Anyway, a special friend's birthday's coming up and I'm trying to figure out how to make it special now that it clashes with the whole fasting month and a break fast function which I may or may not want to attend depending on if I have a plan or not first.

At least I got the gift ready - all that needs to be done is to wrap it. And I don't know how to present it. I'd like for my friend to unwrap it in front of everyone because that's always the best part about giving presents - the whole unwrapping bit - but I'm not so sure how my friend will like that, drawing attention to the fact that I had put in some effort (and what will be more obvious, the money) to get him a gift.

But that's how it is with the controlling types. It's hard to second-guess what they want because they expect you to know what they want. (As if I'm a mind reader.)

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