Sunday, September 14, 2008

dance workout with Helen

Oh Helen, she's like my best bud.

OK, I've obviously gone cuckoo because I've done the unthinkable. I went and bought myself a dance workout DVD. Oh, the horror! I really can't believe I went and did that considering I'm, you know, twenty-four and not quite desperately tubby yet. But the fact that this little plastic box is staring me in the eye is no joke: Dance Workout with Helen. All bling-bling and pink fonts. Oh, the horror!

So, I've been doing a bit of dancing in my cramped room and I look quite ding-dong when I catch myself in the mirror. I'm horribly rigid, I don't know why since nobody is looking anyway (except for Helen and her two backup dancers but they don't count) and my dance routine looks as exciting as watching my cat eat. No!! What happened to boosting my sex appeal??

Huh. So tonight, me and Helen workout again. Hopefully it gets better and one day I'll actually know how to dance without prancing around looking like a beheaded chicken.

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