Wednesday, May 27, 2009

things that make me teary eyed

Or people, like my colleague Nadirah who was once our intern and now strings for us.

Being a typical girl, I relayed to her the 'natural' development of my day-to-day life, the love, the gossip, the drama, etc. And I told her about what Noel had told me in regards to the Fat Farm (she calls them the Phat Farm).

Naturally, she was outraged.

"If they are going around 'warning' him about you because they're his friends, then I am warning you about him now because I am your friend," she said indignantly.

Finally, we decided that the Fat Farm and the Hindraf Gang are just a bunch of jealous cows because they obviously won't look as good in a bikini.

At the end of the day, they can go and take nude photos of themselves but they'd know they'd never look as good as I do in the buff either.

Really, Noel is lucky to have a hot girlfriend with a nice body.

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